DO IT NOW features John Sheldon in a new trio collaboration with Paul Richmond, who was recently named National Beat Poet Laureate USA by the National Beat Poetry Foundation, and percussionist extraordinaire Tony Vacca of World Rhythms Ensemble. They combine evocative poetry, storytelling, and insightful political commentary and an improvised music groove to share vision and hope for our planet in these troubled times.
Danger!! Danger!! Systems are being corrupted or broken. A crash surely lies ahead. No time to waste. We must take back control! Do It Now.
Pulling the controls together are John Sheldon on electric guitar, Tony Vacca on all things percussion, and Paul Richmond’s beguiling William S. Burroughs-like spoken word.
The trio takes on anything from the mundane envy for a neighbor’s dog to nuclear power posturing to interracial tension, turning them into poetic flashes of text that erupt from a hotbed of music. Non-verbal communications on stage, based in trust and intuition between masters at their craft, creates theatrical moments with authentic music interwoven with Richmond’s text.
An evening of food for the mind as well as the soul.
In addition to John Sheldon, the trio includes:

Paul Richmond – Named as current National Beat Poet Laureate USA by the National Beat Poetry Foundation, Paul is best described as political, deadpan and wryly humorous with his own unique style. He has been called, “Assassin of Apathy” using the power of words and humor to tackle the unthinkable and seemingly unsolvable, giving birth to creativity and hope. Paul has performed on stages from the Austin International Poetry Festival, in Austin TX, to Gödör Klubban at the Jazzköltexzetiest in Budapest, Hungry. He is widely published in books, journals, anthologies, and poetry collections. His Human Error Publishing promotes Word events and festivals and publishes books.

Tony Vacca -- An innovative percussionist with Jazz and World Music roots going back to 1972. Over the course of his career, he has made a habit of pushing the already adventurous conventions of World Music into new territory, both as a soloist and as the leader of his World Rhythms Ensemble. He is part of a wave of musicians whose work has fueled the rediscovery of the power of the drum, and the power of music to build global common ground. His twenty-one trips to West Africa have contributed to his unique approach to playing the balafon, and to his depth of knowledge regarding African and American musical traditions. He has recorded and/or performed with such a wide range of musicians including pop icon Sting, Senegalese Afro-pop star Baaba Maal, Jazz trumpeter and World Music legend Don Cherry, poet Abiodun Oyewole of The Last Poets, Senegalese Hip-Hop stars Bideew Bou Bess, as well as Gokh-bi System, and Massamba Diop, Senegalese master of the talking drum. He is the founder of the Senegal-America Project.
For Bookings of DO IT NOW, Contact:
For Bookings of DO IT NOW, Contact: